(302) 703-7086

The Work Ahead

The Work Ahead

John Sykes, DeIPL Founder & Board President

Many of us bid a not-so-fond farewell to 2020 during which so many souls passed because of the pandemic and many more continue to suffer from the terrible financial recession. Our critical work to abate the destruction from Climate Change also took a hit not only from effects of the pandemic but also from the continued environmental assault from the previous administration. In hindsight, however, we are nothing if not resilient as our DeIPL responded by moving our services online through interesting webinars that range from creating mini fast growth forests to climate change and health. Thanks to the technology of Zoom, we held online versions of our breakthrough Climate Conversations. (Join in on one next Tuesday!)

Turning our focus on the work ahead, our new Biden administration is also resilient and dauntless through the travesties in our Capital. They have presented a Climate Change plan that is progressive and innovative, and brought in top notch experienced leaders to carry it out. In Delaware, the election of 2020 increased the pro-climate legislators to close to a 2/3 majority. Our time could never be better for our state legislators to address the chronic problems of environmental injustices, and to follow the opportunities to make Delaware a clean energy leader with well-paying green jobs.

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The work ahead is truly inspiring but needs all of us to make this vision real by becoming part of its creation and making it our own. Over the coming months, DeIPL will continue to work with our faith leaders, congregations and environmental leaders to promote environmental justice, energy conservation and efficiency, and increased use of renewable energy. The work ahead needs all of us to work together and focus on a vision that will ensure that our environment is clean, green, and healthy. President Obama said that “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” And, now is that time.