Joining hearts and minds and hands and voices.
Raising Hopes.
Creating a Climate for Action.
Help your congregation to integrate Earth care into worship with the resources available on this page!
Joining hearts and minds and hands and voices.
Raising Hopes.
Creating a Climate for Action.
The way that we travel has a major impact on the Earth. Consider these tips to improve your environmental impact during your daily and weekly commutes.
Find out how much you impact the environment as an individual or a family, then discover steps to reduce your impact.
The way that we travel has a major impact on the Earth. Consider these tips to improve your environmental impact during your daily and weekly commutes.
April 14-22, a week of focused climate action centering around Earth Day. This year the theme is Charged with Faith: Leading the way to a clean energy future. Order your kit; plan your activities; share with others.
a food, faith and climate program by Interfaith Power & Light, for congregations interested in responding to climate change through educating members about climate-friendly food choices and engaging them in activities that can inspire and have a positive impact.
The Cool Congregations Challenge, is an annual national contest to recognize Congregations that are becoming energy efficient and sustainable role models within their communities. Get ready to enter the Challenge in 2017!
Learn all about ways to involve kids in Earth care within your community!