NC3 of DeIPL grew from an organization in New Castle County entitled Coalition for Climate Change Study and Action (C3SA).
We meet five times a year, on the second Tuesday of every other month, starting in January (except for July) from 7 to 9 p.m. – alternating between St. Paul’s UMC and First Unitarian, both in Wilmington. The co-chairs of NC3 are Chad Tolman (302-478-3516) and Mike Rominger (302-477-1133).
NC3 of DeIPL is the perfect forum for exchanging ideas on how the faith community might work together to educate about and address climate change issues. We are developing a speaker’s bureau on appropriate topics. We have a reading list. We coordinate with other like-minded groups in Delaware and the region on legislative and other efforts regarding climate change. We had a leadership role in the recent Sea Level Rise Awareness Week activity in Delaware.
We encourage you to join us!