(302) 703-7086

New Castle County Congregations

The New Castle County Congregations of Delaware Interfaith Power and Light (NC3 of DEIPL) is the gathering place for faith groups and individuals in New Castle County who have joined DEIPL or are interested in its work.

NC3 of DeIPL grew from an organization in New Castle County entitled Coalition for Climate Change Study and Action (C3SA). We meet five times a year, on the second Tuesday of every other month, starting in January (except for July) from 7 to 9 p.m. – alternating between St. Paul’s UMC and First Unitarian, both in Wilmington. The co-chairs of NC3 are Chad Tolman (302-478-3516) and Mike Rominger (302-477-1133). NC3 of DeIPL is the perfect forum for exchanging ideas on how the faith community might work together to educate about and address climate change issues. We are developing a speaker’s bureau on appropriate topics. We have a reading list. We coordinate with other like-minded groups in Delaware and the region on legislative and other efforts regarding climate change. We had a leadership role in the recent Sea Level Rise Awareness Week activity in Delaware.

We encourage you to join us!