We consider our work – whether sharing scriptures, hosting workshops, distributing eco-kits, expanding green space, coordinating solar energy projects,
creating partnerships or meeting with legislators – a moral imperative.
As stewards of creation, our ultimate goal is to assure the preservation
of a healthy, sustainable planet but, closer to home, we strive to improve the everyday quality of life of our families, our neighbors and our communities.
Our Member Communities – each in their own way, inspired by their own faith – share and embrace this moral imperative. They participate in preach-ins, form creation care teams, plant community gardens, install solar panels, upgrade lighting, initiate recycling programs, arrange field trips to explore the wonders of the natural world. They raise voices and hopes for a safer, healthier, more equitable future for their children and generations to follow.
Please complete the Faith Community Covenant and mail along with membership donation to Delaware Interfaith Power & Light (DeIPL) at the address below. You may also make payment through the donate button on this website.
**Please email a photo of your facility and/or Creation Care activity, along with a brief description/story of your good work for our website!!
Delaware Interfaith Power and Light
179 Rehoboth Ave, Unit 1311
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971