(302) 703-7086

Green Space Resources

The way we move throughout our towns, state, and country Resources to help make your garden or green space more sustainable!

Despite its clean look, a large area of open grass is one of the least environmentally friendly parts of our yards and parks.

These areas allow run off that would typically be soaked in by larger plants, flowers, and even vegetable gardens.

As you scroll through this page, you will find out how you can create more sustainable yards or local parks by, not only understanding the impact your green space is currently making, but finding new ways to create a more beautiful, and maybe even a more social, experience along the way.

Click the photo to download great resources on how to make your garden bee friendly!


For some amusing tips on planting in a community garden this Spring, click on the photo of this real community garden located near Dover!


download a copy of the Delaware Farm Bureau’s fresh market produce availability guide, click the photo! Eating seasonably is a great way to help the local economy while also increasing your health!


Click on the photo above for some great advice from on how to start an urban farm in your area!