DeIPL can provide advocacy alerts and resources for those who want to actively engage with policy makers to effect human and ecosystem health, promote environmental justice and address climate change.
Be informed. Track actions taken at the federal level to roll back measures addressing causes and impacts of climate change through the resource below, created by Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. Administrator Scott Pruitt announced April 2, 2018, plans to roll back vehicle emissions standards for cars and light trucks. These standards not only help address climate change, they protect communities against air pollution, especially the most vulnerable: our children, the elderly, and those living near freeways and high traffic areas. And they save us money at the pump. See IPL Affiliates’ response HERE and take action as individuals and communities of faith, to oppose these reckless roll backs and support reasoned clean car standards. Click HERE to sign a petition created by the National IPL to support clean car standards!
On January 8, DNREC hosted a public listening session to hear comments on the EPA’s proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan. We are grateful to our state leadership for offering a public listening session in Delaware. Several of us from DeIPL presented oral statements on January 8.
You can view DNREC’s press release with background information. You may also view comments from Lisa Locke, John Sykes or John Mateyko, with DeIPL. Feel free to use/share if they can be helpful.
Learn ways to submit your own statements in support of the Clean Power Plan and opposing its repeal HERE. Submit online HERE. Comments due Apr. 26
The message is simple…DO NOT REPEAL THE CLEAN POWER PLAN!!
“Interfaith Power & Light supports putting a price on carbon pollution that will put downward pressure on emissions. This can be accomplished through policies like carbon taxes, carbon fees, a limited number of carbon credits sold at auction, or cap and trade systems. All of these systems help ‘correct’ the market… IPL advocates for an equity principle in any carbon pricing…. IPL supports a price on carbon as an essential step in creating a level playing field for energy production and addressing global warming. This effort can be part of an overall program to improve energy efficiency and replace fossil fuels with clean energy, which will have long-term economic, environmental and social benefits.”
Saturday, March 3; 3:00-5:00 p.m. Cannon Lab Room 104, at the University of Delaware’s Hugh Sharp Campus, 700 Pilottown Rd., Lewes DE.
The Public Forum will include special guest speakers from various sectors of Delaware’s Coastal Community, National Organizations, and from neighboring coastal areas. This informational event will provide facts and information about the proposals for oil drilling, and the impacts that will occur to coastal communities as a result of potential exploration, operations, and oil spills. Participants will receive information and guidelines for comment submission to the Bureau of Energy Management, and will be provided with other ways to join in the collective effort to oppose oil drilling off of the Delaware Coast. The event will also include a film, a kid’s corner, refreshments, and exhibits.
For more information, contact: Suzanne Thurman, MERR Institute, 302-228-5029/ or Debbie Heaton, Sierra Club,