(302) 703-7086

About DeIPL


Founded in 2011, DeIPL is a chapter of Interfaith Power and Light, a national non-profit who mission is to inspire and mobilize people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change.

We believe we have a moral responsibility to scientifically inform and spiritually deepen our understanding of our relationship with the natural world - and with each other - and to act on those understandings.

We consider our work – whether sharing scriptures, hosting workshops, coordinating energy audits, identifying resources, expanding green space,

fostering partnerships or meeting with legislators - a moral imperative. Our goal, ultimately, is to assure the preservation of a healthy, sustainable planet and closer to home, to improve the everyday quality of life of our families, our neighbors, and our communities.

Our Member Congregations - each in their own way, inspired by their own faith – share and embrace this moral imperative. They participate in preach-ins, form green teams, become learning centers, secure energy audits, upgrade energy systems, install solar panels, plant community gardens, explore eco-systems, and advocate for a safer, healthier, more equitable future for their children…and their children’s children.

Many different religious traditions believe in our shared responsibilities as stewards of this earth. And, many have put that belief into practice by taking action to protect the environment. Please visit our “What We Believe” page for links to these statements of faith and practice.